Sunday, May 15, 2005

Irene in photo

Sunday AM: My head's exploding. To make a long story short, we chanced upon an exhibition, at the Kuppah synagogue, of pre-war judaica photography. The exhibit included lots of Schindler photos, etc. And we're browsing and Irene stops in front of one, looks at it, says "that's me!!" Edward rushes off to tell someone, and the someone turns out to be the collector of these photos, an amateur photographer who's day job is department head of hematology at Jagellonian Univ. Med. School. He's not Jewish but his grandmother died at Auschwitz for helping Jews in the Krakow ghetto, so it's his mission to document the daily pre-war lives of the third of Krakow that was Jewish, as a sort of tribute to his grandmother. Needless to say he was plotzing, and we spent several hours with him after that, and he took a bunch of photos that Irene had brought with her to scan and then return to us. The rest of the day and more stories will have to wait, it's been a tiring few days. The photo is of Irene with a bunch of kids at holiday summer camp in 1939 just before war broke out. She's in the first row on left.


At 5:45 AM, Blogger Evie Kintzer said...

wow Brad. truly amazing!

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Mark Hammerschmidt said...

Holy smokes Brad!

At 4:08 AM, Blogger Marcia Brooks said...

Brad - this is incredibly moving and I appreciate you sharing. I can't shake the feeling that I could be related to someone in the photo too.


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