1 Adam (-930)
  2 Seth (130-1042)
   +Wife of Seth
    3 Enosh (235-1140)
     +Wife of Enosh
      4 Kenan (325-1235)
       +Wife of Kenan
        5 Mahalalel (395-1290)
         +Wife of Mahalalel
          6 Jared (460-1422)
           +Wife of Jared
            7 Enoch (622-987)
             +Wife of Enoch
              8 Methuselah (687-1656)
               +Wife of Methuselah
                9 Lamech (874-1651)
                 +Wife of Lamech
                  10 Noah (1056-2006)
                    +Wife of Noah
                     11 Shem (1556-2156)
                      +Wife of Shem
                       12 Arpachshad (1656-2094)
                        +Wife of Arpachshad
                         13 Shelah (1691-2124)
                          +Wife of Shelah
                           14 Eber (1721-2185)
                            +Wife of Eber
                             15 Peleg (1755-1994)
                              +Wife of Peleg
                               16 Reu (1785-2024)
                                +Wife of Reu
                                 17 Serug (1817-2047)
                                  +Wife of Serug
                                   18 Nahor (son of Serug)  (1847-1995)
                                    +Wife of Nahor
                                     19 Terah (1876-2081)
                                      +Wife of Terah
                                       20 Abram-Abraham (1946-)
                                        21 Isaac
                                          22 Jacob-Israel
                                            23 Joseph
                                             +Asenath (dau. of Potl-phera priest of 
                                              24 Ephraim
                                               +Wife of Ephraim
                                                25 A Few More Zaides
                                                 +And Bubes
                                                  26 Rivka-Leah's father Boruch
                                                   +Rivka_Leah's mother
                                                    27 Rivka-Leah
                                                      28 Yirmiyahu
                                                        29 Elkie
                                                         +Shlomo's Morris
                                                          30 Eli Abba
                                                            31 Brad
                                                              32 Brad's Noah

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